Are These the Largest Animals Of Their Species?

Humans have always had a fascination with how big and small various different things in our world can get. What’s the world’s biggest pizza look like? How about the world’s biggest ball of yarn? How big is the World’s biggest elephant, is it larger than a skyscraper?

We all know that some animals, like elephants, can get seriously huge, but did you know it’s possible for even traditionally small animals to become massive, to the point where they just doesn’t look real?

Believe it or not, all of the following photographs are real, no Photoshop whatsoever.

Fred Welcomes You

While it’s been said that the best images say a thousand words, we think this image is pretty great, and it only has about 30 words or so.

This image gives us some valuable insight on The Great Fred, revealing that this big chonker comes in at a whopping 28 pounds, he is not pregnant, and his diet is not working well.

Fred appears to be happy in the photo, and we think that’s a great thing. We’d be devastated if Fred ever suffered from feelings of inadequacy due to his size, but rather than lament, he flaunts his size, and beacons all around him to submit to his majesty. Nature is truly breathtaking.

You Still Have Time to Escape

The woman in this image looks happy and…look, that’s great and all, but are you really okay with where you are right now? I mean, this wolf is so big that it’s not even looking like a wolf at this point; this guy looks like he’s ready to transform into a full blown bear at any minute here.

We’re just kidding obviously. While this guy might look scary at first glance, you can tell from that big toothy smile that he’s feeling pretty good right now. Just, if you come near us next time we’re at the park, we only ask you to please put him on a leash for our safety. Our heart just can’t take this right now, please understand.

The Belgians Make Great Horses

This Belgian Draft horse is absolutely the largest of its species across the board, dwarfing smaller horses such as the Clydesdale. Belgian draft horses are obviously intense powerhouses, and if you should be missing a small tractor, there’s a good chance you can put this horse to good use if you’re able to tame one.

Just be ready to take out a small fortune when you see how much hay these guys need to consume.

This Cow Can’t Be Real

We simply refuse to believe that the cow featured in these images is real in any way shape or form.

Surely this cow must be the result of two mad scientists who decided to make a huge robotic cow, get inside of it, and pilot it into a nearby grazing field in order to see how the local animals would react.

It’s hard to say since we’ve just got two still images, but they seem to accept this cow as one of their own, which is probably good, but if it is just two people in a giant robotic cow, it’s gonna make for a really awkward time once they need to get out to use the bathroom.

The Seal of Approval

The huge elephant seal you see in this photo has a name (and feelings), and that name is Minazo. Minazo was the world’s largest elephant seal for a long time (really living up to the “elephant” in the name there, huh?), but sadly he died of natural causes recently.

Luckily there are videos of this massive guy online if you’re curious to see how he looks when he moves around.

With Each Croak, a Window Shatters

Okay, that’s not actually true, but we imagine that the croaks from this massive toad are truly remarkable sounds to behold. But if this toad actually is as loud as a megaphone, which we imagine he is, that makes this picture all the more terrifying.

Why is he so angry, and why is he looking straight at us? Was this the last photo this person ever took before their ears stopped working? Some mysteries will never be solved.

Man-Sized Salamander

No, this isn’t a still image from Ridley Scott’s new Alien movie, this is just a really, really big salamander being held by what we can only assume is his owner.

Now, this is probably just a very large salamander, which is definitely an amazing thing, but we beg of you, please check inside to make sure he isn’t hiding a small child inside that body of his.

It happens all too often, you leave your nephew alone for a couple minutes and BAM, they’ve been instantly ingested by the world’s largest salamander. Once is too many times, don’t let your children be eaten by salamanders.

Aunt-sized Ant

Hey, did you know that there’s actually an ant in this picture? I know, we were just as surprised as you are. We’ll give you a minute to attempt to locate the ant.

Did you find it? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t find it, we’ve actually gone ahead and circled it in red for you so you can see the ant.

What’s that? There’s another ant in the image?

Well look at that, you’re right, there’s actually a very large ant-like beast featured in the center of this image in all its natural born rage and fury. How could we miss something so obvious? Boy, do we feel silly now.

Snail Tale

Look, you gotta promise not to judge us here, but we need to come clean; the truth is, we really want to pet this snail.

We know, it’s not something we ever thought we’d be admitting to. Petting a snail? How could that even be possible, but we never even gave it any thought till now. And now, we actually have the option of petting the snail, something previously unthinkable. It’s so exciting.

Sure it’s probably slimy and gross, but something about its body just looks so satisfying to gently press down on. Not enough to hurt the snail, far from it actually, we just want to make sure the snail knows that we’re not here to hurt it, and that this is a safe place for the snail.

Just promise not to judge us in the future when we’re out walking our pet snail Spongebob Squarepants style.