Unexpected Photos Captured on Trail Cams

As an outdoorsman, Trail Cams are one of the most fun tools you have access to. Setting up a trail cam is kind of like setting up a trap for a wild animal, only instead of trying to capture the animal’s body in order to possibly feed your family, you’re instead capturing the animal’s image.

Sometimes this can be for practical reasons, such as finally getting to the bottom of why your trash cans are getting demolished by something every night, but oftentimes it’s just fun to see what kind of results you can get.

Which is exactly what some of these nature-loving campers and hikers got to experience when they saw the results of their trail cams. Take a look!

Bad Hair Day

Or maybe it’s a really good hair day. We honestly can’t tell. But if you were around in the 80’s you’d do anything to achieve a slick haircut like this one.

This is the sort of hair that says to the world “I am confident, I can do anything, and yes, it’s okay to stare” and stare at you we will. Thank you deer, for the gift of your everlasting beauty.

Tag Team?

And speaking of the 80’s, you know what was huge back then? Wresting. It doesn’t really look like this owl and deer combo are really wrestling out in the wild in this shot, but if we saw a pair like this coming into the WWE wresting ring one night, well, we think it’s safe to say who would come out on top.

Deer has the ground on lock; owl has the sky covered. It’s over, just go back into the corner and forfeit, there’s no hope for you here.

The Blair Deer Project

Where to even start on this one. Can we even be sure that this is a staged photo? At first glance it looks that way but…look, we’re not saying that we believe in ethereal spirits or ghosts, but it’s not like it’s impossible either, right?

At least the woman (or witch, or ghost) had the decency to cover up in this shot, after all we have no clue how old the deer is. It might be too much too early, definitely best to wait until the deer has at least hit puberty.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tiger

Not an especially funny image, but definitely a very cool shot from a trail cam user. Many people don’t know this, but oftentimes tigers will dunk themselves in mud to cool off, or to act as camouflage in rockier areas. Learn something new every day!

This should go without saying, but please respect the power of your backyard tigers, assuming you are in such a location.

You Came to the Wrong Neighborhood

This image is seriously setting off our fight-or-flight instincts right now, even more so than the tiger from the last one. Seriously, what even happened here? Why are all the deer looking straight into the camera for this shot? How come they look so…calm? Are they secretly judging you?

This is giving us flashbacks to that one time in high school where we did something really embarrassing at the school dance. Frankly, we’d rather not talk about it.


You might be surprised to learn that this is in fact, not a living human being featured in this shot; it’s actually a small wolverine. Crazy, right? We for sure thought it was a very confident individual standing upright in his furry onesie.

Just look at the posture, the focused eye contact, the wide stance. You better hope and pray that this wolverine doesn’t show up to your next job interview with you, there’s no shot you’ll be able to match this powerful furry animal’s raw charisma.

That’s Not a Reindeer

This is either the biggest bear we’ve ever seen, or we seriously underestimated the size of ol’ Saint Nick. This humungous bear is more than happy to put the claws in Santa Claus, if you catch our drift.

We think the takeaway from this image has got to be the importance of planning. If you think you have a chance of getting lost, always bring a map, otherwise you might find yourself being accosted by wild grizzly bears.

Raise the Roof

No roof? Raise that roof anyways! This image has the same energy as a photo you may have drunkenly snapped on your phone in the middle of a huge party, only to discover days later amidst the hazy recollections of your wild adventure from nights prior.

But the past doesn’t matter anymore, because the deer in the photo is now your best friend, and has been ever since you met them. Together, nothing can stop the two of you.

Mind if I cut in?

Raccoons are the bane of photographers everywhere. One of nature’s most manner-less animals, the raccoon spends most of its time in the wild jumping in front of the shutter lens of any cameras it can locate in the area, eager for attention and head-pats more than anything else.

However friendly the neighborhood raccoon may seem, we need to strongly advise you to not show the raccoon any affection.

It’s like that one book goes, if you give a mouse a cookie it will come back for another cookie, only with this example it’s a raccoon, and if you give a raccoon any attention whatsoever it will immediately destroy all of your outside garbage cans.

I’ve got the Target in my Sights

You’ll be happy to learn that the deer in this image continued to live a long and happy life, despite what a first glance at the image may lead you to believe. The only shot being taken here was from the camera.

As far as we know, deer don’t have access to guns, and let’s hope it stays that way, because while we do invite a challenge on occasion, we aren’t looking to get into a life or death conflict with a deer in the near future.